Consider Summer...

The second academic year of Diamond Mountain University has ended and things are much quieter. But fear not, there are many exciting things happening this summer at Diamond Mountain and other places (almost too many things). Venerable Elly has put together a list of where DM students will be teaching this summer. The list includes over a dozen events in at least four countries.
Teachers' Schedule
As many of you know already, Geshe Michael and Christie-la will be teaching the third installment of Je Tsongkapa's The Essence of Eloquence on the Art of Interpretation. The teachings will take place in Dharamsala, India (monsoon season, bring a boat) during the evenings. During the day His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be teaching A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. A one-two
India Teachings Info
And of course, there will be lots of happening at DM including a children's summer camp and lots of down 'n' dirty building. We could always use a hand on the many summer building projects. If interested in volunteering, please visit the volunteer section of the Diamond Mountain website and sign up today.