This is an unofficial blog of news and info from Diamond Mountain University and Retreat Center which was founded by Geshe Michael Roach and Lama Christie McNally in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of the Dalai Lamas.
Volunteer Coordinator extraordinaire Nicole Davis has setup up a Building with Straw Bale workshop at Diamond Mountain for this summer, June 6 and 7. Expert straw baler builder Jon Ruez will be leading the workshop, showing all how to use this efficient and sustainable material to make retreat cabins and homes. In her message Nicole says:
In two days, you will see the site go from a foundation alone to a house with walls and the skeleton of a roof. You will be instructed and participate in stacking, securing and shaping bales, and may observe and assist with the installation of pre-made roof pieces.
For more info and to sign up, visit the Straw Bale Workshop page on the Diamond Mountain website.
Diamond Mountain University's Winter term is not even over and already 'tween-term events are appearing on the Diamond Mountain schedule. Immediately preceding Spring term 2009 will be a Vajrasattva retreat lead by Venerable Gyelse, May 11 - 20, 2009. If you're not familiar with Warrior of Diamond practice (Vajrasattva) it's all about purification. Like the poster says, it's a great way to get rid of obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your goals.
If you're interested, RSVP to Venerable Gyelse at by May 1st.
Our good man Edward Arrowsmith has uploaded and shared some fun images from this Witner term 2009 that's drawing to a close. In his email Edward says:
More to come so hit the RSS button to get automatic updates.
If you or anyone you know has Diamond Mountain photos you'd like to share just let me (Evan) know and I'll happily post them here and on Diamond Mountain's flickr site. Thanks to all for another magical term.
Jason and Jenny, the founders of AcroYoga, have returned to Diamond Mountain to help us have even more fun with our yoga practices. If you've never seen or heard of AcroYoga, check out this video. It really is that great. And Jenny and Jason have brought their friend Johnny, expert in Thai massage (which is an integral part of AcroYoga and a darn pleasant practice too).
This time the team is here for a few days. Here's the schedule:
Tuesday, March 3 9:30-11:30am Therapeutic Flying and Massage part 1 (Temple)
Thursday, March 5 9:30-11:30am AcroYoga Asana (Temple) 1-3pm Basic Inversion and Acrobatics (Nataraja)
Saturday, March 7 2-5:30pm Extended Jedi Playtime: Advanced Acrobatics and flying transitions (Nataraja)
Sunday, March 8 9:30-12:30pm The Healing Touch of Metta (Temple) Partner stretching, Therapeutic Flying, and Thai Massage