That's right, Fall Term 2006 has come to an end. And as mentioned in a
previous post the term was concluded by a ten-day Vajrayogini initiation. The ten days was absolutely magical thanks to many people's hard work. The DM executive board saw to it that everything came off perfectly, and it did. We had non-initiate volunteers that took care of us every minute of every day. They cooked two meals per day for over 130 people. They looked after children. And they did all those little things that needed to get done. Thank you so much!
As for the "need rest" portion of this post's title, that is in reference to the end of the initiation celebration. All were invited to come a party at the close of the ten days. And party we did until the sun rose over the eastern mountains. The entire experience was wonderful.
And on the 11th day Diamond Mountain rested.