Registration is now open for the fifth edition of Geshe Michael Roach and Christie McNally's popular talks on spiritual partnerships. The text to be used is another selection from Arya Nagarjuna,
Letter to a Friend. Once again the talks will be at
Grace St. Paul Church in Tucson for two nights, September 30 and October 1. A great way to kick off DMU's third year.
Register here.
That same week Geshe Michael and Christie will be teaching Tibetan Heart Yoga Teacher Training 5 in Tucson at
Anjali Yoga Studio. It looks like this one will be the yoga of Marpa. I just happen to have gotten a hold of the text that will be used (I know people who know people), and let me tell you, it's going to be a good one.
More info and registration here.
On a more personal note, I'm going to be in retreat for the next two weeks, so no more posts until then (dry those eyes, it's not that long a time). Please check the
official DM site for official news, especially about Fall term registration which is coming soon.