We are now in our second week of Fall Term here at DM and things are going great. There are lots of exciting classes and activites coming up too. Tonight, 150 people will be making torma cakes in the temple as part of the Tantric Course Serires, which will be lead by Ani Pelma. The cakes include ingredients such as ghee, milk, honey, and lots of white bread.

In more exciting news, starting tomorrow, DM will be hosting Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya, a Nepali Tantric Dance master. Prajwal will be giving several classes including a body purification ceremony Sunday at noon. For more info on him you can check out his website, the
Dance Mandala InstituteThis Monday is the first service day of the term and it going to be a fun one again. If you're coming, be prepared to work and wear proper boulder-moving attire. There will also be some work being done in Bowie and the community center as part of the service. Following the hard labor we will all be trated to dinner in the temple. See you there.