From India, part 2

On the 3rd of July we were honored to have some special guests attend the class. Tulku Lode Rinpoche, from a great Nyingma monastery in South India, came to Pops Picnic Spot to check out and bless the action. That same night Venerable Thupten Chuyang from Gyutu Tantric College came bearing gifts. He brought holy water from His Holiness' Yamantaka retreat and distributed it to all. He also offered the group a beautiful tangka (pictures forthcoming) featuring Lord Buddha flanked by Arya Asanga and Arya Nagarjuna, the main proponents of the Mind-Only and Middle Way schools respectively (just by coincidence).
This has been a very special time for all involved.
Why did you edit the post?
Last night (July 5), the post read:
"He also offered the group a beautiful tangka (pictures forthcoming) from His Holiness' own room featuring Lord Buddha flanked by Arya Asanga and Arya Nagarjuna"
Now you've deleted "from His Holiness' own room"
Were you told that originally?
When did learn you should change it?
Do you know that there are other serious, false representations about His Holiness in this post are that should also be changed?
Good luck. Don't live with your eyes wide shut for too long.
There is no reason to tell others how they should be, O' Mighty Lidless One.
What is the story behind removing "from His Holiness' own room" though? Is it not from His room?
Not only was the thangka not a 'gift' from His Holiness or His Holiness' Private Office, but NEITHER was the blessing water.
His Holiness has totally rejected RMR as a follower of Tibetan Buddhism. His Holiness would not provide audience to RMR students. His Holiness did not send 'gifts'.
RMR's claims that His Holiness sent 'gifts' to RMR's teachings at "Pops" on July 3 are BIG, BIG LIES.
Actually, at the event on July 3, RMR did issue a caveat to his Big Lie. After claiming that the Gyuto monk brought 'gifts' for RMR and his students from His Holiness' Office,
RMR issued a softly uttered, throw away line meant as CYA.
Having gone to the trouble to trick his students, RMR did not want to disabuse them of the false notions RMR was implanting in their minds.
RMR wants his students to believe many lies.
Here RMR wants his students to believe that His Holiness sent them 'gifts'. If the students accept the lie that His Holiness sent them 'gifts, then the false inference is implanted in their minds that His Holiness endorses RMR and approves of people being RMR's students.
Obviously these lies are intended to relieve RMR's students, who wish to follow a Buddhist path, of any anxieties about the correctness of their devotion to RMR. Such anxiety should have ignited 'doubt' upon hearing of His Holiness' two remarkable condemnations of RMR. Upon study and reflection, the doubts should become a raging fire of, at least, 'correct assumption' that consumes the snares entangling sincere Buddhists with RMR's blasphemies.
Still, RMR felt the need to 'cover his ass.' So in a skillful attempt to fly some truth by his deluded devotees, he let slip: "To be honest" it was "his idea."
"To be honest" - the mark of a lying salesman.
"his idea" -- meaning the 'gifts' were from the Gyuto monk, not from His Holiness or His Holiness' Office. Of course the whole charade was RMR's idea. He probably paid for the thanka.
All RMR students who want to follow a Buddhist path need to acquaint themselves with the truth. If you have doubts, contact His Holiness Office directly. RMR is a heretical schismatic. He's trying to set himself up like NKT -- only worse. Because Kelsang Gyatso displays the guise of a pure vow holder and conducts ordination according to the 2,500 year old sacred unbroken Mulasarvastivada lineage of Vinaya practices preserved in Tibet.
You have been warned. You cannot maintain two loyalties. Buddhism/RMRism. If you have the proper motivation, you will find His Holiness stands ready to serve as your root lama and lead you safely to the other shore.
July 7, 2006
McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala
Your 05 July post had another major edit -- missed it before.
The original post, which reflects the deceptive meaning conveyed by RMR to his students on 03 July, appears below.
The words in bold have been deleted from the post as of 06 July.
Did you edit the post because someone suffered repercussions from the [deleted] lies RMR told his audience on July 3?
"That same night Venerable Thupten Chuyang from Gyutu Tantric College came bearing gifts. As an employee in His Holiness the Dalai Lama's private office, he brought holy water from His Holiness' Yamantaka retreat and distributed it to all. He also offered the group a beautiful tangka (pictures forthcoming) from His Holiness' own room featuring Lord Buddha flanked by Arya Asanga and Arya Nagarjuna, the main proponents of the Mind-Only and Middle Way schools respectively (just by coincidence)."
According to my notes taken at the time of utterance on July 3, RMR explicitly said that the Gyuto monk came "with a gift from His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Office".
RMR expertly dissembled (or "disassembled" in the American President's lexicon).
Couldn't write down every word, but noted that RMR shifted the tenses -- "works" and "worked" regarding the Gyuto monk's employment in His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Office.
RMR also said (after the CYA "to be honest" it was "his idea") that the blessing water was from the "special ceremony" His Holiness had done for his "Yamantaka Retreat" and the gift of that vase water was given "to bless us all."
Interesting, but you have not actually given me anything to work with. All the comments where you speak for GMR are 100% useless.
Evan why did *you* remove the comment?
Hi everyone. I often make changes to already existing posts. This is nothing new to the blog, but I guess the subject matter this time is a bit contraversial for some.
I just wanted to have as little as possible on the post that could be taken out of context, because things so often are.
There was nothing in the original post that was incorrect, however, at least from my perspective. And that's all we have anyway, our own views and nothing more. And everyone is welcome to share those views here. But please, keep it civil. If you can't, I may have to remove the comments system all together. My main rule is not to write anything which you wouldn't say to a person sitting next to you.
Also, you may have more freedoms in a forum or mesage board, but you are welcome to live here for as long as you like.
And please remember that this blog is not an official Diamond Mountain news source. I'm just some crazy guy who likes to share experiences and am totally discountable as a serious source of information.
I want you all to be happy.
Evan from McLeod Ganj
I think the main points are this.
The monk in question is not from the Office of the Dalai Lama. The gifts were not from the Office of the Dalai Lama. The gifts were not what Geshe Michael said they were, as heard by many people.
Therefore, it would seem to me that Geshe Michael deliberatly lied to all present in order to make it seem like he had the support of the Office of the Dalai Lama.
Dear Evan,
That's not from 'me' -- but the anon presents the situation succinctly drawing the valid conclusions.
Looking at the comment on your next post, I've been wondering how you could have blog comments without the blogspot anti-span feature, that requires identification of letters, being turned on.
Thanks for being patient,
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