Essence Teachings Begin

The teachings are being recorded and will be available for download in three weeks. I will make sure to post at this blog when that happens.
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This is an unofficial blog of news and info from Diamond Mountain University and Retreat Center which was founded by Geshe Michael Roach and Lama Christie McNally in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of the Dalai Lamas.
Do the "Lamas" make sure all their students read the letters that His Holiness the Dalai Lama had His Private Office send to RMR?
After all RMR so often has claimed to practice and teach H.H. the Dalai Lama's lineage.
Sort of seems relevant that His Holiness has written that RMR does not tell the truth. And that Tibetan Buddhists do not believe his claims.
For those in attendance, the fact that His Holiness told RMR not to come to Dharamsala seems to have caused a bit of personal inconvenience.
Why don't the "Lama"s' students demand to be told the truth?
Pleas see this thread in relation to whether or not they have the right to even be called 'lamas'. Its a very interesting discussion about what a traditional 3 year retreat is and how it should be conducted. who awarded them the title 'lama' in any case? thats a question any student should be asking.
wow, cautionary comments from 2006, and now look what has happened....sad
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