Geshe Thubten Rinchen to Teach

This series of teachings began in 1998 when fifteen students went to Sera Monastery to receive the classes. In 2000 a much larger group of about eighty students attended the second installment of what is considered Je Tsongkapa’s greatest and most difficult work on how to interpret the Buddha’s words. This third installment will cover the Middle-Way Schools of Buddhism. I know, wow!
All are invited and encouraged to come. This will be the largest group yet. And to accomplish this the word is being spread far and wide. I don’t have contact details yet other that letting Christine Sperber know you would like to come. If you don’t know who that is please stay posted and I’ll get an official Manali 2006 email address for everyone.
For more info on Geshe Thubten Rinchen check out DM Roots
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