The Geshema: Geshe Degree for Nuns

I know it's not Diamond Mountain news, but it's exciting nonetheless. While at Sera Monastery I heard rumors of a possible Geshe degree being offered to nuns for the first time in over a thousand years of the degrees existence. It looks official now. From the Tibetan Publication Phayul:
Tibetan nuns may soon receive doctorate in Buddhism and be called Geshema, a practice that was non-existent until now. His Holiness the Dalai Lama said that talks are going on with the Department of religion to start honoring Buddhist nuns with the highest academic achievement in Buddhist studies.
Wonderful. Here's a link to the full article.
When I read this I was so happy! I think there must have been people trying to get this for the last thousand years. To see that it's possible puts a smile on my face and in my heart.
I have also heard rumors about the reinstatement of the Full Nun ordination in the Tibetan tradition. Hundreds of years ago almost all nuns were murdered in Tibet thus disabling them from having the required quota for making new full nuns. It may be that the lineage is going to be revived. I do warn, this is just a rumor.
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