As happens between every DMU term, students and teachers scatter to the four corners of the globe to go serve the world. At this moment, a few of those teachers are in the Far East. The Asia Tour 2007 is well under way and will be making its final stop in Shenzhen, China on June 24. But don't feel left out. An remarkable effort has and is being made to make these events available to the world.
WorldViewArchive.org will soon become the home for the DMU/ACI family of teachings, and to start things off the
Asia Tour 2007 is being very well documented. At the site you can see pictures, watch video, or download the audio recordings from all of the tour stops. It's really an amazing resource.
WorldViewArchive.org is still a work in progress and should be fully functional by the end of Fall term 2007. But for now you can get a great taste of what will be offered by checking out the
Asia media. I think you'll enjoy.
A huge thanks to Lama Ora and Jamie for making the archive happen. They do magic for all of us.
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